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Prices as They Should Be

Secure. Transparent. Efficient.


Use Only Necessary APIs.


Adjust capacities flexibly and gradually as needed.

Volume discount

Contact us to learn more about our volume discounts.

Credits and Balance

Our system operates with credits. Each plan includes a fixed number of credits per month, based on your billing package. We offer four different packages with varying monthly quotas: Free (100,000 credits), Basic (1,000,000 credits), Pro (7,500,000 credits), and Super Pro (25,000,000 credits). If the monthly allocated balance is insufficient, you can easily recharge it in the customer dashboard. The additional credits will be billed at your specified rate.

Each request from your visitors will be deducted from your monthly quota according to the table below. Individual tiles of your map are loaded per user.

Tiles are a fundamental concept in the display of maps in online services. They are small, square image sections that together form a complete map.

What are tiles?

  1. Definition: Tiles are small, square image sections of a larger map. Each tile represents a small part of the map at a specific zoom level.
  2. Zoom-Levels: The map is divided into different zoom levels. At each zoom level, the map is divided into a varying number of tiles.

How is a map assembled from tiles?

  1. Coordinate System: Each tile has a unique x and y coordinate based on its position and the zoom level. This allows for the precise assembly of tiles into a complete map.
  2. Request and Loading:
    • Initial Loading: When a map is loaded, the script in the browser calculates which tiles are needed for the current view and zoom level, and requests them from the map server.
    • Requesting Tiles: The browser sends requests to the server to load the necessary tiles.
    • Asynchronous Loading: The tiles are loaded asynchronously, meaning they can be fetched and displayed independently. This allows for a fast and smooth display of the map, even if not all tiles are immediately available.
  3. Updating Tiles: When the map is moved or zoomed, the server recalculates which tiles are now needed and sends requests to load the new tiles.

Advantages of the Tile Approach

  1. Efficiency: Only the visible parts of the map are loaded, saving bandwidth and computing power.
  2. Speed: Through asynchronous loading and caching of tiles, maps can be displayed quickly and smoothly.
  3. Scalability: This approach scales well with large amounts of data, allowing highly detailed maps to be broken down into different zoom levels.
RequestNumber of Credits
Map Tiles:
Vector Map Tiles1 per Tile
Static Map Images10 per Request
Geocoding APIs:
Geocoding30 per Request
Autocomplete Search30 per Request
Place Lookup30 per Request

14-Day Trial

Upon registration, you will automatically receive a 14-day trial of our premium features with no obligations. This trial allows you to explore our comprehensive offerings with ease and without any hidden fees. After the trial period, your account will automatically revert to our free plan unless you choose to upgrade.

Do you have any questions?

By submitting this form, you agree to receive email communications from us and understand that your contact details will be stored with us.

Try GDPR MAP now!

I am here to support you

If you have any questions or would like personalized advice about our map platform GDPR-map, do not hesitate to contact me. I am available to support you on your journey.

Marco Gariboldi
Tel.: +49 89 416 164 63

Start now!

Access to Maps API, Geocoding, and Customization.