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  • Anonymous, Pseudonymous, and Personalized Data

    Anonymous, Pseudonymous, and Personalized Data

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a key element in managing data in the digital space. In this blog post, we explore the differences between anonymous, pseudonymous, and personalized data and their significance in the context of the GDPR. Foundations of the GDPRAnonymous DataPseudonymized DataPersonalized DataSummary Foundations of the…

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  • Technical and Organizational Measures

    Technical and Organizational Measures

    What are Technical and Organizational Measures?Key Aspects of the GDPRDocumentation and ResponsibilitiesPractical Implementation of TOMs What are Technical and Organizational Measures? Technical and Organizational Measures (TOMs) are crucial steps that every organization processing personal data must take. These measures are established in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and aim…

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  • GDPR at a glance

    GDPR at a glance

    Data Protection Regulations in Europe Since May 2018Foundations and Scope of Data Protection LawScope and Definition of Personal Data in Data Protection LawAnonymous vs. Pseudonymized Data in Data Protection LawTerritorial Scope and Responsibilities in the General Data Protection Regulation Legality of Data Processing under the General Data Protection Regulation Data Protection…

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